Friday, August 30, 2013

Adventures of a Sippy Cup!

Last week we started putting a sippy cup on Samantha's tray hoping she might get used to the idea of drinking something out of a container (we're pretty sure this might take a while considering Samantha's motto is "I hate bottles and would rather starve myself than drink out of them!").  

First we thought it looked promising! She might have gotten some water- maybe!
But then she decided that also licking the outside of the cup sounded fun.
 And why not suck on the bottom of the cup!
Looks like we still have some work to do with this whole drinking thing!

Camera grabbing!

Samantha decided her new favorite thing is to grab the camera when I take pictures. Makes it a little more interesting for mommy!

Someone is up to something suspicious!

She is very pleased  with herself!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Stillers Visit

We are so excited that the Stillers have moved back to the states.  Erik was Andrew's junior and senior year roommate at Princeton and one of our dearest friends during our undergrad years.  And it has been so fun to get to know his wife Anna these last few years, and then it was even more wonderful to find out we were pregnant at the same time.  Even though they were in London we emailed back and forth for a lot of our pregnancies, so it was great to finally get to meet their son, Caleb (currently 4 months), in person.  We're so thankful that they will be close by in Philly for the next two years.

Samantha and Caleb meet!  She isn't sure what to make of him!
S has decided she likes Caleb!
It was wonderful to also have the Buschmans stop by and hang out with us for part of the afternoon. Caleb was very comfortable with Lynn.
And then I finally got my turn to hang out with Caleb!
The Buschmans, the Stillers, and the Lieus (sad that Samantha was down for a nap!)
What a wonderful afternoon :)  Stillers- we're loving that we get to figure out this parenting thing at the same time as you all.  So glad to have you guys close by so that we get to see Samantha and Caleb grow up a little together.

Saturday morning excursion!

We took advantage of a rare Saturday without plans this past weekend and headed North along the Delaware River.  We spent some time exploring Bull's Island State Park and walked along the D & R Canal.  Then we stopped in the little town of Stockton for lunch.  So fun to explore NJ a bit- what a beautiful summer day!
Now we try to reach for the camera lens.
On the trail.
Beautiful morning on the Canal.
Delaware River.
Walking from NJ to PA.  We crossed over and back, three times that morning.
Gorgeous view of the Delaware River from the pedestrian bridge.
Lumberville, PA- great little coffee and muffin stop.
View of the pedestrian bridge from PA.
Samantha is practicing to be our tour guide! Mommy is giving lessons.  First up- map reading (not eating!)
Bridge between Stockton, NJ and Pennsylvania.

Lunch at the Stockton Farm Market.  Buttons Creperie- delicious!

Lunch buddy!
Mornings like this make us love living in NJ!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Without Words

Five Years!

Last Friday Andrew and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary!  Hard to believe we've been married five years, but at the same time, I almost can't remember not being married to him.  And I'm pretty sure I won the husband lottery.  We got to go out for the first time in a long time, and we had a wonderful dinner at Blue Point Grill.

Andrew also got me a late Mother's Day/Happy Anniversary necklace to celebrate having Samantha.  Look who found the box...this could be trouble!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Suddenly the jumperoo is going to good use.  It's Samantha's favorite thing!  So much so that the last two days, when we hold her standing on our laps, she tries to jump.  Silly girl.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Fisher's Island

We spent this past weekend on Fishers Island visiting Mimi and Prue.  They are always such gracious hostesses, and Fishers is one of the most relaxing places we could imagine.  What a wonderful weekend.

To get to Fishers, everyone has to take a ferry.  It was Samantha's first time on a boat, and Andrew's first time having to back our car onto the ferry.  Here Samantha hangs out with her Nana on the deck of the ferry.
A lot of our time was spent hanging out on their gorgeous terrace.  Here's the view- that's Fishers Island sound and Connecticut on the horizon.

Nana and Granddad brought some of my old toys for Samantha to play with.  She enjoyed having new toys to eat and then throw on the ground!
She enjoyed playing with Prue and Mimi!
Family photo!
And of course she ran all over the place with her Granddad!
Prue makes the best dinners- seriously melt in your mouth, gourmet restaurant type dinners.  And she and Mimi set the most inviting table!  I need to take some lesson from them. 
And this is what we woke up to after a good nights sleep.  Happy baby anywhere she is!

We took Samantha to the beach for the first time, as well. She was a bit cold and didn't want to go near the water (neither did Mommy- it's freezing!) but we're sure she'll grow to like it.

She was cold so she wore Nana's shirt.
Later that night we hung out some more on the terrace, and even though Samantha was all ready for bed, she joined us for a little while.
Samantha spent much of the weekend starting at Lanie and Ozzie.
Cute doggies!

But she still had time to hang out with her Daddy!

and with Mimi :)
Mimi and Prue- thanks for having us.  We had a wonderful time!