Lots of fun things going on around here in April. Most of them involve running, going outside, taking things off counters, and generally saying "no" (unless the question is "do you want to go outside"- then of course the answer is "yeah"- head nod). None of them involve standing still (many of these pictures are blurry!)
Auntie Christine sent Samantha her very own Care Bear. She was excited about it! Now Samantha can finally be a real Lieu.
Exhibit A of "All Real Lieus Carry Care Bears" (circa 1987).
Somewhere along the way, Samantha learned that combs are used to comb hair. She now takes this off of Andrew's vanity every morning and walks around combing hair.
Crazy attempts at running.
Sweet shot at Shema, one of our weekly play groups :)
Some friends for dinner.
Samantha is learning to share her toys. Sometimes it works out.
Um cuteness.
Every day involves Samantha pointing at the door and handing me her shoes. This child would love to live outside. Cars on the driveway!
Just hanging out on the steps.
And running around in the backyard!
Here's to more time outside in May!