Thursday, June 13, 2013

This is how we roll!

Samantha has mastered the art of rolling from back to tummy (but only to the right).  Gone are the days that we can turn our backs and expect to find her in the same spot.

Self-inflicted tummy time has meant that Samantha now doesn't seem to mind being on her stomach as much.  She'll even play with toys there.
It also means that Samantha has discovered the joys of sleeping on her stomach.  

However, Samantha has also discovered that she doesn't like being on her stomach permanently, and she hasn't figured out how to purposefully roll back over yet (still forgot what she did so easily that one day in April!) so we've been spending much of our days turning a whiny baby back over!  Oh well- still fun to see this new skill develop!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at how she picked herself up to roll over. She's so much more squirmy than when I met her! And talkative. Can't wait to see her again in July!
