We arrived home from the hospital on Sunday January 6th. Samantha had a very exciting first week- lots of eating, tons of sleeping, and lots of firsts.
Samantha's first bath at home- It had to be a sponge bath because her cord stump had yet to fall off. Admittedly her first bath was a little confusing for her.
But she was a little happier in her towel.

Lots of the week looked like this...
But we did get out once. We went on our first walk since it was 50 degrees. We bundled her up and headed out, even though Samantha's hat was just a little too big for her little head.

Daddy also held our first Samantha photo shoot. Our little model cooperated very well :)
And Samantha had her first visitors at home. Mikaela came to meet her and drop off dinner (sorry we missed taking a picture!) and BFG also got to meet our little girl (and brought delicious dinner as well!)
Ready for week 2!
Eeeeeeee! Hearts to the photo shoot! What a snuggle baby! Oh I need to get up there soon...