Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bumpass 2013 Reunion

This past weekend we headed to Bumpass, VA - a small town on Lake Anna- about halfway between Charlottesville and D.C. We rented a house on the Lake with a bunch of the Princeton '06 and '07 guys and their families.  We had to drive for miles off the highway to get to the house, and after a few hours in the middle of nowhere setting things up, the crew started to arrive.  It really is fun to have all sorts of people you love appear at the door!  With seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms- it had space for all fifteen adults and four babies (with a little room left over).  The weekend was filled with eating, lounging, chatting, and playing. What a blessing to be in the presence of such good friends!

Sunset on Friday over the lake (the view from the back porch of the house)!
Andrew, Erik, and Lide - hard to believe it's been eight years since you all were living together in Patton.
We had late dinner as soon as people starting arriving.
While all the other babies went to sleep in their pack and plays- Warren hung out with the adult crew.  So fun to hold a little snuggly baby again! (Although Andrew swears he almost can't remember Samantha being that small).
Lide, Andrew, Baby Warren, and Jeff
Everyone slept late the next morning (except of course Samantha)- but at least it meant it was quiet and peaceful- perfect to enjoy the fog lifting off the lake in the morning.  And yes, that is a little beach, water slide, and boat house complete with top deck in our backyard- too bad it was a little cold to enjoy the water.
But soon enough the babies were up and ready to go! It is so fun to have so many little ones so close in age.  Samantha (9 1/2 months), Emma (5 months), Caleb (6 months), and Warren (1 month)
Mommies with their girlies!  
Samantha is four months older than Emma (and a bit more mobile- she was practically attacking the other babies for parts of the weekend!)...
And Emma is four months older than Warren!  Amazing the difference a few months can make in that first year.
Erik, Andrew, and Christian working on some delicious lunch.
Lindsay and Emma snuggled on the couch :)
Caleb says "Wait, Samantha, I want to sit up like you!"
Samantha is skeptical!
Flying with Uncle Duncan!
Only family shot involves Samantha grabbing my hair- par for the course these days!
Cuddling with Uncle Andrew.
Attack of the Caleb monster! Love it!
Just hanging with the boys!
Out for a walk- Bonnie, Samantha, Erik, Anna, Jen, Lide, Warren, Christian, Amy, Bennett, Lisa
Gorgeous backyard shot
Our awesome house for the weekend.
Volleyball time!
Caleb watching the volleyball action
Emma cuddling with Aunt Amy
Snuggly Warren!
The whole crew- Andrew, Bonnie, Samantha, Duncan, Chris, Lisa, Andrew, Anna, Caleb, Erik, Jen, Warren, Lide, Emma, Jeff, Lindsay, Amy, Bennett, and Christian
Dinner time!
Fireside Chat
Hanging in the kitchen late night - love chatting with these girls!
We decided Sunday we would do a little baby halloween preview.  Since we'll be on the road for Halloween, this was Samantha's only chance to wear her costume.  Basically the cutest strawberry ever!
So S was a little more sedentary when I picked this costume out- but moving strawberries work, too, right?
Emma wants in on this whole sitting and eating thing.  Pancake breakfast!

Samantha realizes Caleb is borrowing her bib!
This little baseball player fits into Daddy's glove!
Love this Paterno family shot!

Baby Costume shot!
And this is what happens to the strawberry when I take my hand away- the other babies look concerned with her crawling/launching herself skills.
Moms and babies
The parents and babies- Lieus, Stillers, Terrells, Paternos - can't wait for the Princeton family to keep expanding!
What a wonderful weekend!  Love that it's like no time has passed with the guys and that I sometimes forget that I wasn't also friends with these girls since college! Can't wait for the next Bumpass reunion!


Thursday, October 24, 2013

October visit to Nana and Granddad's House

We went to Long Island this past weekend to visit Nana and Granddad, while Daddy went on the men's retreat at church. It wasn't the easiest weekend, my Pop-Pop was back in the hospital, but Samantha bought smiles to everyone!

Playing on the playground with the grandparents :)
Not sure about this thing.

Hanging with Granddad in the hospital.
Nana introduced Samantha to raspberries.  She couldn't eat them fast enough.  I'm going to have to watch my raspberries very closely! She's a girl after my own heart!
Raspberry face!
Another great face!
Hanging with her Great- Grammy

And then there was Lanie.  Samantha was obsessed with crawling after Lanie and petting her.  Lanie was a little less thrilled with her biggest fan.  Samantha isn't the most gentle; however, she did try to make up for it by letting Lanie lick her fingers while she was eating.  Got a keep an eye on these two!
And because the videos of S with Lanie are kind of hilarious... there's a lot, but fun to watch!

Loving her Nana!

Love those eyes and cheeks :)