Finally, a blog post on the main event of our California trip- the Hu-Lieu Wedding. Andrew's sister, Christine, got married to Stan Hu, on October 5th in Palo Alto. The weather in Northern California was gorgeous and the location of the wedding and reception- spectacular. It was wonderful to see many of the members of the Lieu extended family and get to meet some family members and friends that we hadn't had a chance to meet yet. Congrats again, Stan and Christine! We're excited to have a new brother-in-law (and uncle) and we are so glad we could be part of your special day!
How unique and beautiful was the church?!
Andrew walked his mother down the aisle.
And then after the bridesmaids walked down the aisle, our little flower girl made her way into the church. She was escorted by two amazing ring bearers.
We were worried for weeks about how this little ride would go, but she was a wagon pro and charmed everyone as she went down the aisle.
Here's some video of this moment of cuteness.
Stan attempted to acquire some footage of the ring bearers and flower girl going down the aisle so he attached a go-pro to the wagon. Apparently, though, Samantha had other plans and refused to allow herself to be filmed. She held that go-pro tightly the entire ride.
Which resulted in some pretty hilarious footage! Not exactly what was intended, but that's one cute pudgy hand!
And then Christine and her dad came down the aisle to meet Stan. What a beautiful backdrop and couple!
Married :)
There were lots of pictures to take of this cute munchkin. She loves her Daddy!
Father and son!
Samantha loves her Grandma (and all shiny necklaces these days). Oh and notice the lack of headband- she realized part way through picture taking that she could take off her own headband- fun times. At least we made it down the aisle with it on.
Ruth, Sparrow, Andrew and Samantha! Sparrow was very happy to meet her second cousin.
And just because this is actually what most of our life looks like these days...
Haha :)
Love this little one!
Family shot
Then some beautiful formals from the photographer. Can you tell they are siblings?!
Love this one!
The whole Lieu immediate family.
Lieu-Hu Families!
The extended Lieu (Andrew's dad's) family.
And the extended Zau (Andrew's mom's) family
The reception was held at Palo Alto Hills Golf and Country Club.

And because I was wearing Samantha much of the time, I didn't take too many photos. But it was a gorgeous reception. There were 40 kids there- and Christine thought of all sorts of neat things for them- from a coloring book table to special kids entries- which Samantha really enjoyed (salmon and curly fries- yes please!) In addition, they decided to forgo the traditional dances with parents for some unique and fun alternatives. Stan and Christine played a trivia game with Stan's mom in which they had to guess "which twin was which" (Stan is an identical twin) from baby pictures. And Christine and Dad played a quick ping-pong match. So fun!

Samantha and I headed home before the dancing started (she was a trooper though- staying up way past her bed time!), but before we left S snagged a picture with her Aunt Christine.
Yay! What a wonderful day! Congrats again Christine and Stan!
This is such a precious collection of family photos!! The one of Andrew and his dad is amazing. Glad it was so much fun!!