Friday, July 4, 2014

June randoms

Some added fun in June...

S won't sit in a high chair anymore. 
In fact, she really would rather to just climb up into regular chair on her own.  We try to convince her to sit in her booster seat.
Baby Boot camp playdate at Village Park.
S is working on her stepping and balancing.

With her buddy Logan.
Some fun outside with her water table.  Thanks to our neighbors, Laura and Walt, for handing this down to us.  She's obsessed.  Now if we could just convince her not to drink the water or put all our landscaping rocks into the water table.

Just reading with Daddy.
Oh and she was obsessed with crawling into the empty library book bag so I picked her up.
Silly busy girl!

1 comment:

  1. I've said it before but I'll say it again . . I love this kid!
