Friday, October 24, 2014

Seeing my grandparents in MD- Oct 2014

The first weekend in October we headed down to Maryland to see my grandparents.  It was great to visit with them, and I love that they get to see how Miss Samantha has grown.  

Enjoying a cool afternoon on the waterfront

Samantha is really obsessed with apples these days.  Good things it's fall.  It's funny, too, because she's expressing herself to me even though she doesn't know vocab like peel and skin, but she does tell me to "open appa." Of course, taking the skin off does seem like opening an apple :)
Watching some Sesame Street movie with daddy.  It's the only way daddy gets his cuddling in.  Sorry to say I somehow passed on my non-cuddling, non-hugging gene to this little girl.
On Sunday we visited the Cape Arthur playground.  Grandmom wanted us to get a picture with the playground sign since the playground is in honor of her mother.  I think we have this exact same picture of the family from like 20 years ago.

Some fun with daddy on the playground.

I also need to find the picture of me riding this same seahorse.  Although most of the playground has been updated, there are a few things that were certainly around 25 years ago when we played on this playground every summer.

We loved visiting you, Grandmom and Granddad!