Thursday, November 7, 2013


We headed up to Boston last weekend for Laura and Abby's shower.  It's nice to not be teaching so we could make a long weekend of the visit, let Andrew do some business, seem some historic sites, and get in some time with bunches of friends.

On Friday we had half a day to do a little site seeing North of Boston, near where we were staying.  I was hoping Samantha's first National Historic Site would be Minuteman Park in Lexington and Concord, but alas the threatening rain forced us inside.  Luckily Lowell National Historic Site was a great back up.  So fun to see where the Industrial Revolution was centered in the United States. 
Samantha and Daddy driving the trolly in the Visitor's Center.
They had a weaving room set up just as it would have been at the turn of the century. After teaching the Industrial Revolution for seven years, I finally get how the power, shuttle, and machines worked together.  So loud and so cool!
Outside the original mill buildings
Back in the hotel room, S crawled around like crazy.  And chomped on my toes- you know the usual.
She also is loving hanging with her Daddy :)
Then on Saturday we headed to Laura and Abby's super cute house for the baby shower.
With Laura :) Can't wait to meet their little girl!
Abby and the pink pom-pom.  Those three pom poms have now been at one bridal shower (knee's) and three baby showers (tiff, mine, and laura's)- hope they keep traveling! Lauren- who knew when you bought them how much use they'd get!
Eating some lunch before the guests got there.  Delicious sweet potato sandwich.
Hostesses and Laura's mom making some kitchen magic.
This is what happened most of the shower- crawling everywhere- unfortunately not enough napping in sight.
Love this little skeptical one.
Opening my present :)
Beautiful cookies made by Auntie Vasanta.
Abby's cupcake masterpieces.
Bib decorating station.
S loves hanging with her Auntie Vasanta.
Just chilling with her new friend Nora.
Samantha is in to everything these days!  Checking out the new bins in the updated nursery closets- of course she's opening the one with electrical cords.
The Princeton crew + Abby.
  After the shower we got to have dinner with Caitlin and Marshall- loving that we got to see Auntie Caitlin!
Then on Sunday we got super lucky because Christine and Stan were in town for a wedding.  So nice to have them conveniently on the East Coast.  We enjoyed having brunch with them.
And then went for a walk- beautiful fall afternoon!
Just snuggling in Aunt Christine's scarf.
Basically the best daddy ever.
The Hu-Lieu crew and one peeking Samantha.
Love this little one (and thanks Uncle Stan for the beautiful photo!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow great visit! Glad you got to see some historic sites.:) The shower looks awesome and omg Vasanta's cookies!!!! How fun that Christine was over here the same weekend. Hugs to sweet Samantha!
