Thursday, November 7, 2013

10 months!

Samantha turned 10 months on Monday- crazy!  Some of her little baby friends are starting to have their first birthdays, and I can't believe that it will soon be Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and then we will be parents of a one year old.  Time warp, I tell you. Samantha is starting to grow out of her 9 month clothes, and we think she's about 18 pounds this month. 

I think I say this every month- but what a long baby we have!
Sticker gone.  She is soooo busy these days!
This month she started to wave at people.  Definitely charming people in the grocery store.
She hardly ever sits still.  This literally lasted one second. 
She yells things all the time- lots of dadadada and bababababa etc.

Finally- the sticker stands a chance!
She is crawling so fast now!  And she loves crawling around and around in circles trying to catch us.  She also loves when we crawl and hide behind something and then pop out.
Still putting everything in her mouth, too!  Especially food.  New favorites this month- clementine, beef, rice, and mac and cheese.  She still loves pork, pasta, and basically everything you put on her tray. 
She makes music on her own right now- shaking maracas and banging on things with her drum mallets.  She's still loving music together but now she crawls away from me for most of the class.
She also pulls herself to kneeling position on everything.  What a busy girl!  
Love this little one!


  1. I can't wait to see her soon!! What a playful little girl.

  2. Such a big girl! Love the sticker on the back. :)
