Friday, January 24, 2014

In memory of Grammy

My Grammy, Jean Citterbart, passed away last week.  I've had all my grandparents for my whole life, and it's so hard to imagine my life without any one of them so it's certainly been a rough few weeks, and I'm sure it will continue to be difficult as we grieve her loss.  We grew up only fifteen minutes away from Grammy and Pop-Pop, and some of my earliest memories involve Grammy scratching my back to help me sleep when we had sleep-overs at their house and watching old Shirley Temple movies with her curled up in their bed.  We spent many days in the summer out on their back patio and in their pool, and when I was 13 we lived with my grandparents for almost a whole year, while our house was renovated.  I feel so blessed that I got to spend all this time with Grammy growing up- she was there for every important event of our lives- from concerts to sports games to awards ceremonies to our weddings to my baby shower.  Grammy was an amazing listener, and she remembered every detail about our lives- about friends of mine she had only met once, about trips I was taking, about classes I was enrolled in- everything.  Grammy's love language was gift-giving, she gave Kerri and me so many wonderful things over the years- things I treasure when I think about my childhood and things I continue to treasure- from our fancy Christmas and Easter dresses, to my Samantha American Girl doll and all her accessories, to an awesome skeeball machine that we had in our basement for years, to helping pay for my college and even our home.  I just feel blessed beyond belief by these gifts-whether material or her time- that she gave me over the years.  I am so very thankful she got to spend time with Samantha before she passed, but words can't describe just how dearly she will be missed.  We love you, Grammy, and wish we had more time to spend with you!


  1. Such a sweet post, Bonnie. I love the progression of photos from you as a baby to Samantha. What a great gift to have so much time with your grandmother. You definitely inherited her loving, thoughtful nature and attention to details of your friends' lives. Her legacy lives on in you. Continuing to pray for you and your family, friend. Thank you for the reminder not to take my grandparents for granted.

  2. Thanks for sharing Bonnie!

  3. Beautiful tribute to your Grammy, Bonnie. And what a loving legacy she left with you all.

  4. beautiful tribute to a lovely lady
