Friday, January 24, 2014

Visit to Long Island

We were back on Long Island last weekend for my Grammy's wakes, memorial service, and funeral.  It wasn't the easiest of weeks, but our whole family certainly felt blessed by the outpouring of love and support we experienced.  Grammy was dearly loved by so many, and we were also thankful for friends of ours and our parents who didn't know her well, but showed up and supported us through this difficult time.  And we were very thankful to have Samantha present to make everyone smile in the midst of a difficult weekend.

Samantha opened some belated birthday presents from her Nana and Granddad and Aunt Kerri and Uncle Eric.
Nana and Granddad got her this cool pig puppet.

Which Lanie wanted to check out.
And despite lots of other fun presents, anything on the family room coffee table proved to be the best toys- coasters were definitely a highlight!
Saturday was my mom's birthday so she and Samantha celebrated together with a little dessert.
What are these brown things?
Trying them!
Yum...delicious!  I like chocolate :)
And a birthday weekend at the Citterbart household could not be complete without a puppet show from my Dad.
Definitely brings back some good memories from my childhood- he is the puppet show master!
Glad to have some small things to make us smile during a tough weekend.


  1. the photo of Samantha looking at your dad's puppet show is the cutest thing. Just perfect. Runner up in this post is her face after trying chocolate. Instant classics. Thank goodness for babies who keep us smiling and remind us that there are always things to be joyful about.

  2. So glad that Samantha brought some levity to the week's events. Wonderful pics of your parents:)

  3. I can't believe I missed the puppet show! I so miss those!
