Monday, September 1, 2014

Fishers Island 2014

Two weekends ago we headed to Fishers Island to visit Mimi and Prue.  Unfortunately, Samantha was a bit sick for most of the trip, but we still enjoyed our time with them (and the rest of my family)!  Samantha was able to really experience Fishers this year, as last year she had just learned to sit up, so it was fun to see it all through her eyes even if she was sick.

Boarding the Fishers Island Ferry in New London, CT.  We couldn't believe how chilly it was that day.  Samantha was happy to watch the cars, trains, and boats from the top deck.
Once we started moving it got too cold to stand outside so we had snack inside.  Don't let this still one fool you; she wanted to walk around the rocky ferry almost the whole trip.  That did not make it easy on her parents.
Hanging with Ozzie, Mimi's dog, on Saturday morning.  Samantha kept finding Ozzie's toys and handing them to him all weekend.
Working on her buckle and reading with Prue.

Hanging with her two favorite dogs.  Samantha tried to boss them both around all weekend.
The view from lunch.  Doesn't get much better than this.
Lunch on the terrace.

Where's Granddad?
There he is!
Hanging out outside after lunch.
I think Samantha was ordering Nana to sit next to her here.  
6th anniversary selfie!  
Nana and Samantha were working on a secret anniversary card for us.

Lucky parents :)
With all sorts of babysitters around, I went on an afternoon run.  Snapped a quick pic of the osprey nests along the road.
View from the end of my jog.
Nana and Samantha spent tons of time together during the weekend.  Samantha has just learned to say "Nana" and that was a huge hit with her Nana.  Good thing because Samantha was a snotty mess and Nana took good care of her all weekend when mommy and daddy needed a break.
Playing with Nana and Aunt Kerri
Family shot
Eric and Kerri
With Mimi :)
Kerri and Mom
And a little dancing before dinner
They've been taking dancing lessons and you can tell Eric has been working really hard!
Even Prue joined in the fun!
Delicious dinner on the way
And some after dinner games.
A riveting game of Dixit.
Comfy dog.
On Sunday morning, we headed out for a walk.  We stopped on the beach.

And then later in the afternoon we headed to lunch at the Beach Club, and this time we were really dressed for the beach.
Samantha loved playing in the sand.
Family shot.
Nana and Samantha played in the waves.  She liked that, too.

Hanging out during nap.
After nap, there was a little ice cream to be  had in town.  Aunt Kerri was happy to share the end of her cone.
Hanging with the husband before dinner.
Mom and Mimi
And then in the morning before we left, Ozzie tried out Lanie's puzzle toy.
When she couldn't figure out how to get the treats, Samantha said she would help.
Last shots of their beautiful house on that beautiful Monday morning.
Walking with Mimi in the garden.
With my sister :)
She loves her daddy!
Aunt Kerri and Samantha waiting for the ferry to dock.  
Snacking and waiting for the ferry.
One last family shot on the ferry!

Prue and Mimi- we had a wonderful weekend!  We loved hanging with you and spending time in your beautiful home.  Thanks for making us feel to welcome!


  1. So many wonderful photos of your family! Peek a boo with Granedad is pretty awesome, and I love the dancing before dinner! Can I say the terrace just looks like the perfect spot to hang out? And also you look amazing in that suit, B! Glad you guys got some good time away despite Samantha's cough. Hugs!

  2. This was such a great post. I agree with everything Lauren said! What a fun time :) Samantha has really changed all of a sudden. Girl is growing so fast!

  3. I just realized that Samantha and I were matching on Sunday!
