Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Samantha's Labor Day with Nana and Granddad

While we were in the city, Samantha had tons of fun with Nana and Granddad on Long Island. We used Long Island as our home base and got to come home to my parents and then spend Monday of Labor Day weekend with them.  Samantha and I also stuck around for a few days that week.

While we were gone Samantha stayed busy.  First off the park with Nana and Granddad.

Then some food prep at home.

They also went to visit the farm animals.

And the playground again!

Hiding from Granddad
And I found this pic of me when I was 18 months.  I definitely see a little bit of a resemblance.
Building trains

And a mini golf ball machine.  Seriously my dad is the most epic golf ball machine builder.
Samantha thinks her Granddad is hilarious!

The golf ball machine in action
Breakfast with Nana.  Samantha loves eating her own yogurt
Seriously enjoying time with grandparents.

Also she discovered she knows how to "jump." It's hilarious.
And dinner with Aunt Jo-Ann and Pop-Pop :)
Loved hanging out with my family a little!

1 comment:

  1. Love the jumping, that is so cute. I definitely see the resemblance, those 18 month old eyes are 100% the same, and the expression too!
