Tuesday, October 7, 2014

College friends in Philly

The third weekend in September we headed to Philly to see some college friends.  It's always wonderful to spend a day with old friends, and it's been so fun to have our families grown up alongside each other.

Erik and Andrew- college roommates with Caleb (17 months) and Samantha (20 months).
This girl wouldn't wear her sunglasses all summer.  Now she won't take them off.  She wears them in the car, in stores, and sometimes even in the house.
More college friends in Philly. Chris, Margaret, and Christen, Duncan, Anna and the Lieu Crew. Note to Princeton friends- Duncan is, in fact, wearing jeans- what has this world come to???
And with Erik :)

1 comment:

  1. She looks like she is too cool for school in those glasses. I love it!
