Friday, October 31, 2014

Denver Visit

The second weekend in October, I headed to Denver to see Nicole, Katie, and Lauren. The purpose of the visit was to meet little Charlie and seeing old friends- major bonus.  Samantha got to have a vacation at Nana and Granddad's (more on that next post) and Andrew had to work, so I got to travel all by myself.  Flight there was relaxing and quiet- forgot how easy traveling without a toddler is!  And I certainly enjoyed my girls' weekend- so good to catch up with my college girls.

Chipotle with the girls and Charlie, post pedicures.  So good to meet this darling little one.
Happy with Auntie Nicole.

And appropriately snuggles with Auntie Lauren.
What a fun mommy!
On Friday night we went out to a fancy dinner. Brad and Steven were there, too, just didn't make it in the picture.  Thanks to Mama and Papa Finn for babysitting the girls!
On Saturday morning we got to see Maddie's soccer game. So fun to see these little girls just loving running around and being together.
And at the end of the game all the parents from both teams made a bridge and all the girls on both sides ran through numerous times.  I loved that part!
Maddie had a huge fan section.  Here's Auntie Nicole and Charlie.
And Auntie Lauren and Charlie.
The crew :)
The girlies.
Nicole and Brad and their baby, Elliot.  
Sleepy Charlie.
Steven is such a good daddy!
On Saturday we spent the afternoon out chatting and walking and just being.  

Beautiful Cheesman Park
Elliot and Nicole
And we got to see Dr. Knee in action.  Nicole took us to Denver Health for...
And ultrasound for me!!!  Breaking lieucrew news...
Baby Lieu #2 coming April 2015!  
Yay!  So fun to see Dr. Larrea at work (and awesome to get an extra super long ultrasound!)
Loved seeing you girls!

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