Friday, August 22, 2014


I spent the first seven weeks of this summer teaching again at a Princeton program called PUPP. PUPP is a program for high achieving low income students, and the most important part of the program is the summer institute. (Here's an article giving more information about PUPP.)  I taught sociology, just as I did last summer to the rising juniors.  My co-teacher and I taught about inequality through the lenses of gender, race, and income, and we also worked on the students' writing skills.  The capstone of the class was a 5-8 page research paper exploring a certain type of inequality, and then a poster presentation of their research.  

Here's samples from two of our best students.

Just like last summer, it was a wonderful experience to teach these eager and intelligent young minds.  And we had great support from our two college TA's, Danielle and Max. I feel very privileged to still get to remember why I love teaching!
And the rising seniors...the awesome group of kids I taught last year.
And while I was at PUPP all summer, Samantha was hanging out with Alyx.  It was so wonderful to have one of my former students nannying for her.  I knew she was in good hands, and I got to catch up with Alyx.  
Thanks, Alyx.  We miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Those posters look impressive! Proud of you for participating in this program! A great way to use your gifts and passion.
