Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Bergsiekers Visit

The second weekend in August, we had a visit from the Bergsiekers.  They came all the way from Canada to catch up with all their old friends, and we were lucky enough to have them stay with us.  The Bergsiekers were in our Princeton small group for three years before they moved to Waterloo two years ago, and after sharing so much of life with them for those years, it was wonderful to catch up again.  And we loved getting to see how their boys have grown.

Samantha and Sam are only eight months apart (Sam is older), and they enjoyed getting to know each other.
S showing Sam and Phil her wagon.
Hilary reading to all the kids.
We are so impressed by Phil- he's only four and can read and spell like an eight year old!

On Sunday night we had a bunch of old small group friends over for dinner so everyone could spend time with the Bergsiekers.  Amazing that when we started out small group, none of us had kids. 

Samantha shows Sam and Sophia her alphabet books.
JD- he just turned one!  So fun to watch him starting to walk.
Sweet picture!
Playing with rocks!
Just working on the car.

Love this little kids table. They were all so good about eating together.  Seriously- there was like fifteen mins of them all sitting and eating and the adults chatting.  Amazing.
The best we could do of the whole group!  The Bergsiekers, Keddies, Lieus, and Weisses.

1 comment:

  1. So many cute kids! The group pic is actually pretty good!
