Thursday, March 7, 2013

Two Months Old!

Samantha turned two months old on March 4th.  At her doctor's visit today she weighed in at 10lbs 8oz (two pounds more than last month) and is now 22 1/2 inches long.  She also had to get four shots and an oral injection- she was such a champ, only crying a little bit, and the effect of the shots seems to just have made her even more tired.  We feel blessed to have such a healthy and happy little baby!

 Samantha is basically awake now for an hour to an hour and a half after every nap and then she gets tired again.  But when she's awake she is super active, always kicking and flailing her arms.
 We get skeptical faces from her a lot, but just this past week we've seen glimpses of smiles!

This month we've started to go out more and more, and we've loved starting to meet other moms and babies.

 Samantha has also really loved her activity mat in month two, and she is getting great at tracking her toys and even us from much further away.  She's also looking at books when we read together.
 Love this nugget!
 Here's our pobre with four bandaids on her thighs.  Look at those baby rolls!

To compare here is Samantha at one month...

1 comment:

  1. Oh she is such a cutie pie! Especially in that hat. Hehehe. Sounds like she's becoming cuter and more fun every day! Go Samantha!
