Friday, March 1, 2013

Visit to Long Island

Last Saturday, Samantha spent her first night away from home.  We went to my parents' house on Long Island.  She did great both ways in the car- sleeping the two hour trek completely in both directions (the secret may be to always get her into the car right in time for her morning nap- seems to have worked so far).  Samantha got to meet one set of her Great Grandparents, her great Aunt Jo-Ann and Great Uncle Nic and Susan and Uncle Mark.  And we all got to be together for Aunt Jo-Ann's 60th Birthday!  

 Great Grandparents!

 Love the face, Aunt Jo-Ann!

She loved finally getting to hang out with her grandfather!

 Poor Lanie still can't figure out who this thing is making so much noise and stealing everyone's attention!

Looking forward to being back on Long Island in a little over a week.  And Samantha can't wait to meet Aunt Kerri and Uncle Eric while she's there!

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