Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 7 and 8 Snapshots

Scenes from weeks 7 and 8 of Samantha's life...

 Enjoying a delicious Valentine's Day dinner made by Daddy- filet mignon with marsala wine sauce, mashed potatoes and asparagus.  Only thing is Samantha also wanted in on the dinner, and she made that point quite clear.  Can you find her?  She's in the moby, safely hidden from dripping marsala sauce by the napkin :)
We enjoyed a visit from Prentice, Rhymes, and Andrew!  Love having you all in New York!

And were lucky enough to also have Abby and Laura come visit!
 We've been practicing a lot of tummy time. 
 Sometimes tummy time makes us very sleepy.
But Samantha is getting better and better at lifting her head!

We've had lots of quality time with Daddy.

We've been on walks pretty much every day it's over 40 degrees.  And turns out Samantha falls asleep pretty much any time she's in her carseat.
Which sometimes means that we find her like this...
She did a fashion show for us in the outfit that Mrs. Koota knitted for her. Thanks again!
 And she's liking bath time more and more these days.  
 And last, but not least, we've spent lots of time hanging out in the boppy, tracking Freddy the Firefly and just looking beautiful :)  

 Can't believe how long her eyelashes are getting!
Happy March and happy 8 weeks, Samantha!

1 comment:

  1. So many great photos in this post! I especially love the one of Andrew and Samantha reading together, and the one of Samantha with her hat over her eyes. What a cutie! And what an awesome family. Hugs all around!
