Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Eating real food!

Just as Samantha turned six months, she started sitting up on her own.  The books say when they start to sit up on their own, they are ready to try real table food.   We're hoping to try Baby Led Weaning, but if we need to do a little spoon feeding- we aren't opposed. At first, we didn't think Samantha could actually coordinate her hands enough or understand that food should go in her mouth.  Literally last week, she seemed to have no interest in picking up broccoli.  And then suddenly in this past week things have changed.  She has tried avocado, sweet potato, squash and pasta!  All of which she has gotten into her mouth on her own.  Most of this has involved sucking on these foods (still no teeth to be spotted over here) and admittedly very little is actually being eaten, but she clearly knows what to do with it, and it is so fun watching her pick things up in her little fists and attempt to get them in her mouth!
Avocado toasts.
Full on avocado mess. Loving that the beginning of this process corresponded with summer-and makes no clothes baby + dinnertime a perfect combination.
 Clearly Samantha also makes this face when she tries sweet potato.
Almost in her mouth!
Got the squash right in her mouth!
And clearly eating food is exhausting. Samantha passed out in the swing right after eating the other day- her first swing nap in ages.


  1. YAY!! I hope babyled weaning works for you guys! Samantha looks so cute in the last picture with her blanket tucked all up to her armpits. Can't wait to see her soon!

  2. Agree with Tiff-love the sweet last photo!
