Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Montagues visit!

Last Saturday John and his wife Mari and their son Cornelius came to visit.  We know John from our manna days when he served as the staff leader for the small groups Andrew and I led to together our junior and senior year of college.  Luckily his wife Mari has roots in Princeton so we've gotten to see them a few times when they've been back visiting, and this time we got to meet their darling son, Cornelius.  Cornelius was born exactly one week after Samantha (but he was actually due on the day Samantha was born!)  It was fun to see these two start to interact with each other.  Hope to see you guys again soon and see how Cornelius grows!  And maybe then we'll remember to take some pics of the mommies as well!

Checking each other out!
Daddies and babies!
And then there was this tummy time sequence of cuteness!

Oblivious of each other...

Samantha notices and is skeptical of Cornelius...
Cornelius's turn to be skeptical of Samantha...
And then they've made their peace...hand holding already :)

1 comment:

  1. So much going on! I haven't checked the blog in a month and I have missed so much!
