Thursday, July 4, 2013

Grandma's Visit

We had a wonderful visit the last ten days with Andrew's mother.  Samantha LOVED hanging out and playing with her Grandma, and Grandma even got Samantha to drink some from a bottle (such a relief since I'm working two days a week this summer).  Here's a little bit of what they did together :)

Samantha made Grandma walk around in circles a lot!  She does not like to be held while you are sitting.
They listened to daddy play some guitar.
They ate pancakes together. Just kidding!  But we have been putting Samantha in her high chair and letting her sit with us at meals and Grandma did feed her one little spoonful of banana.  Solid foods- we're coming soon!
They played with the exersaucer...

And practiced sitting...

And in true form, Samantha demanded that Grandma let her stand up!
And one rare instance of letting Grandma cuddle while sitting
Thanks for visiting, Grandma!  We loved having you!  Looking forward to seeing you (and Grandpa) in California in September!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for helpful and loving visitors! Love the pancake photo. :)
