Friday, November 14, 2014


I have been a Halloween Scrooge as long as I can remember- I don't like candy, dressing up, or anything scary.  But for the first time in a while, I really enjoyed Halloween- I guess seeing it through a little one's eyes can really do that :)  Samantha was Super girl and she wore her costume all day.

At Market Fair for boot camp and at music class.
At home for some Halloween pics with her ghost pail (good thing we took some pics because I forgot to bring it trick-or-treating later!)

And then of course to Melanie's Halloween play date.  Here's our weak attempt at getting six toddlers and three babies in costume in one picture.  Samantha is only standing that still because I bribed her with goldfish.
Classic- Logan and Samantha mooching each other's snacks.
And trick-or-treating with Logan (or as S calls him "Lolo").
We only went to three houses in Melanie's neighborhood- which was the perfect amount!

And then Samantha was so excited for the trick-or-treaters to come to our house she watched out the window.  And every time the door bell rang, she yelled "run" and ran down our hallway to get the bowl. She was a little hesitant to say hello to all the kids, but she did wave bye bye when each group left.
And I let her have one bag of M & M's when all the fun was done.
Um...she loved it.
Happy Halloween!

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