Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Princeton Half Marathon

The first weekend in November, Andrew and a bunch of his friends ran the Princeton Half Marathon.  It's the second year Princeton has held the race, and Andrew decided it was time to try his first half.  Before the race we hosted a big pasta party dinner complete with wives and toddlers.  I forgot to take a shot of all of us eating but here's the men and kiddos in the family room after dinner.  Andrew ran the race with his Princeton roomies Andrew and Erik and also our friend from here Joe.
Here's the boys all bundled up before they left for the race.  It was in the 30s when they ran!
The toddler spectators and a peeking Anna and I got part of Melanie!  Not the best pic but my hands were cold!
"Daddy!"  Note the cold in the first week of November snuck up on me, and I didn't have a real winter coat bought for Samantha yet.  So that morning I had to turn to the 3T coat that my mom had given me with a bunch of my old outfits.  Can you tell this coat is from 1985??
There they are!  Looking good at the halfway point at the corner of Nassau and Vandeventer.
After the women and toddlers warmed up at Panera for a little while- we headed down towards the Princeton public library to watch them pass the 12.5 mile mark.

Caleb and Samantha kept themselves entertained by walking along the stone wall.

One daddy sighted!  He finished the race in 1 hour and 47 minutes.
And not too much further behind another daddy and Uncle Andrew.  They finished just eight minutes later.
We warmed up after the race at Andrew's office.  The toddlers enjoyed some chair spinning.
And then we headed out to a delicious brunch to refuel.
And randomly Dennis and Jinhee were in town that weekend too and joined us for brunch.  
What a fun and exhausting event. Now if Andrew's sprained foot would just heal already.  I'm pretty sure I never have to run a half myself!


  1. Fun!! I'm a fan of the 80s jacket! And man that makes me miss running. Someday... like in 2 years maybe? Haha. Nice work, daddies. I really enjoy the half distance and hope they did!

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