Saturday, January 26, 2013

Samantha's Visitors

During Week 2 and 3, lots of people came to meet Samantha. We feel very blessed to have had so many visitors and to have so many people in our lives who already love little Samantha!

Busch and Lynn stopped by with dinner!

And Anna and Sarah had lunch with us.

Amy, Christen, and Rhymes spent the afternoon with me, while the boys held a Tumaini meeting in Princeton.  Check out all the work our Princeton boys are doing with Tumaini Tanzania, a non-profit organization started by Lide to provide educational opportunities to students in Tanzania at

The whole crew came over for a pizza dinner after their meeting.

The boys were so sweet figuring out how to hold her.

Love this one of AJ!

Jeff is practicing. Can't wait to meet he and Lindsay's little one in May!

She looks so small with Chris!
Careful Duncan.

Ted also stopped by, and Samantha decided to grace him with her first rocket poo. First outfit change because of a poop- check!  Sorry about that, Ted!

Katie brought us some lunch!
And Christina and Deborah and Tom brought us dinner!

Thanks, everyone for visiting!  Being stuck inside for several weeks during flu season is made much better by visitors!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Love seeing all of these visitors, and I can't wait til I can be one of them! :) Hugs!
