Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week Three with Samantha

Week three was the first week I spent at home with Samantha by myself (although Daddy working at home some mornings has provided me some much needed sleep).  Here are some snapshots from Week 3!

Wrapped very tightly for her morning nap.

Snuggling with Daddy. Being a baby is very tiring!

She's starting to really enjoy her swing.

And is staying awake at least a couple of hours a day, showing us her big beautiful eyes.

We've taken to calling her "Squirms"and "Squirmy Worm" sometimes because flailing and kicking is her style.  Here she is in action.

And Samantha remains an expert cuddler and face-maker!


  1. Yay swing! And man her faces are GREAT! Way to go, Samantha.

  2. And I really thought she couldn't get any cuter. It's possible, folks! Miss you guys. Can't wait to meet her. =) (technology inept Regina, again)
