Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Quarter Birthday, Samantha!

Samantha turned three months old on Thursday April 4th.  We can't believe how big she's getting (although we don't have any stats because there is no three month doctor's appointment, but our guess is she's somewhere between eleven and twelve pounds right now)
There were lots of new things for Samantha in month 3.  She recently started swatting at objects.
And for the last several weeks, she has been making great eye contact with us and smiling lots.  We are totally smitten by these little smiles!
A week ago, Samantha also started sleeping through the night. She has had two nights with 9 hour stretches and a few more with 7 and 8 hour stretches.  It's amazing how good six hours in a row of continuous sleep can feel!  We are also noticing that Samantha can wriggle herself to different locations from her crib without ever getting out of her sleepsack.  The other night, she somehow turned around 180 degrees!
Samantha has also decided she likes music.  Whenever daddy plays guitar, she stops crying, and it seems that the lullabies that her swing plays lull her to sleep quite frequently.  Next week we are going to start baby music class together!
We have tried to stay busy, and Samantha is a trooper about traveling around.  In fact, she has decided she naps much better in her car seat than in her crib so she often gets her best naps of the day in, while we are out and about.  She's been going with me to Baby Boot Camp, our bright beginnings mommy class, and Mom's Time Out Bible Study at church.  
Lastly, Samantha still loves to kick every time we put her on her back, but she's also getting better at tummy time.  She is focusing on pictures in books a little more now, but definitely her favorite thing to look at is faces.  She has also found her hands in the last week, and she loves to suck on her fingers.
And I think this is my favorite picture!  Happy 3 Months Smiley Girl!

To compare here is Samantha at Month 1 and Month 2:


  1. a-dor-a-ble. Happy 3 months smiling girl! Love that tummy and those cheeks. Muah!
