Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Trip to NYC

Two weekends ago we took Samantha to NYC for the first time.  The occasion was Dave Sheng's wedding, and we decided if we were going to have to transport Samantha and all of her stuff into the city it would be best to also see a bunch of people we don't normally see. This was all only possible because my cousin, Mimi, let us use her apartment while she was gone for the weekend and my parents came in to babysit during the wedding.  Thanks so much!

On Friday night we had dinner with Sophia and JB and got to introduce them to Samantha, but we forgot to take pictures.  Saturday during the day, we hd brunch with Alissa and Emily.  Alissa snapped this pictured right after a huge poop explosion.  Good thing Emily's apartment was nearby!
And we got really lucky that Daniel was visiting from San Francisco for a wedding in Brooklyn that same weekend!
Samantha was a little sad she didn't get to go to the wedding, but we figured a black tie affair was not yet her cup of tea.  Good thing she got to hang out with her Nana and Granddad instead.
Dave Sheng and Cat Chen got married at the Mandarin Oriental in Columbus Circle.  It was definitely the swankiest wedding to which we have ever been!

This was the amazing view!
So wonderful to catch up with Charlotte and Phil!
And it was great to see Ted again and meet his wonderful girlfriend, Christine!
Andrew with the man of the hour!  I can't believed we missed taking a picture with Cat, but she looked beautiful.  Congrats to you both!

1 comment:

  1. Swank indeed! Love the view shot - really great photo! And you look gorgeous. :)
