Friday, April 5, 2013

Samantha's First Hike

Last Saturday was the first day that truly felt like spring here in New Jersey so Andrew and I decided to take Samantha for her first hike.  We are lucky enough to live within five minutes of the Lawrenceville-Hopewell Trail.  If you live in Central Jersey, you should definitely check it out (!  We hiked the section between Rosedale Park and the Hunt House.  Even though it was more of a two hour stroll than a hike, we really enjoyed being out in the sun and Samantha did great in her first time in the ergo.

Rosedale Lake

There is a nugget in there somewhere!
Hunt House
Willow Pond

1 comment:

  1. Yay family hike time! Bon, you look like you did before baby. Amazing. How did Samantha like the Ergo? Looks good on Andrew and has me thinking maybe I should register for a more manly color than the one I picked out. ;)
