Thursday, April 4, 2013

Samantha's Nursery

I've wanted to show off Samantha's nursery for quite some time.  Many of you know that decorating is really not my thing, but I'm really liking how her nursery turned out.  We had a lot of help- from color and pattern consult from Auntie Lauren to closet shelf building and fan repair from Uncle Eric- getting it together was truly a group effort.  

View from the door.  We went with Pink and Gray. I love her bedding.  The chevron and polka dot patterns are super cute and the quality is great.  I ordered it from this company:  
For anyone that is interested her furniture is the Westwood Stratton collection from Buy Buy Baby.
Samantha has been sleeping in her crib since she was 12 days old, and finally she started sleeping through the night last week.  The photo above shows a hint of our video monitor, which we absolutely love, fixed on the crib.  Below is a a picture of the absolutely gorgeous personalized shabby chic pillow made by the very talented Pam Matthews- Mrs. Matthews- thanks so much!  (And for all of you safety people out there- don't worry the pillow will be moved out of the crib as soon as Samantha starts moving!)

On the wall right above the pillow hangs this custom print from Etsy.

Above the crib hangs this beautiful frame from Great Aunt Jo-Ann, where we will put all her monthly photos.
Her dresser also serves as her changing table.  I'm loving the baskets for diapers, wipes, and toys.
Some fun gifts. Her first Princeton mug- actually given to me by a former student who is now Princeton class of 2015 (makes us feel old!) and her beautiful silver rattles from Caitlin and Marshall!
Handprint and footprint- much harder to get than we anticipated! And of course her first piggy bank- her financial advisor father is going to teach her to save early!
Her teacher mother is loving all these wonderful books.  And catch a glimpse of this sweet water globe and music box from Linda.
This closet was a disaster and then Aunt Kerri and Uncle Eric repainted the inside, took out the horrible wire shelving and installed new functional and beautiful shelves and a new bar.  Love it!

I still don't love the look of those mirrored doors, but Samantha is starting to like looking in the mirror- so I guess they will stay for now!
This ceiling fan has been broken since we moved in.  So thankful Andrew, Granddad, and Uncle Eric fixed it before Samantha arrived.  Now if it would just stay warm enough to open the windows!
I love this chair! Now if only it hadn't taken five months to get here.  If you want to get me riled up ask about the chair.  But alas it is finally here and after all the mix-ups with it Buy Buy Baby actually gave us a better chair than we had originally ordered.  And let's just say it's one of the comfiest places in the house and perfect for breastfeeding, cuddling, and reading.  Also, we are loving our book basket next to the chair.  
Nightstand and toy bin.
And above the toy bin hangs these two pieces I got from Etsy.  The first one quotes Jeremiah 1:5- "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb, before you were there I set you apart"- love that reminder that our daughter is the Lord's and He knows her well.  And then to the right is an alphabet poster- complete with a xenopus frog for letter 'x' (Yes that identification did take sending a photo to Aunt Kerri for identification- yeah Andrew and I are not the animal people in the family- we are counting on Aunt Kerri and Uncle Eric for that!)
So that's her nursery.  Thanks to so many wonderful people (I know I missed naming a bunch here) for their help and beautiful gifts that make up the nursery.  We feel all of your support and love every time we're in there with Samantha!

1 comment:

  1. So cute, B! I love it. :) All the details are perfect! And I plan to do the dresser as changing table too - just makes sense. Can you tell us what chair you got? (without getting upset? ;) ) What a loved little girl.
