Friday, May 24, 2013

May days

Here's some random shots from the last few weeks.  The temperature has been all over the place here- some days have been a bit chilly and some days have felt like summer.

Flying outside.  We've been sitting on the blanket out front a lot and enjoying the beautiful weather.
Other days the weather has not been as nice...

But in general warmer weather means night time walks, cute outfits, and super cute little feetsies...

We've been working on sitting up. Somedays it looks super promising.
And then some days it looks like this...
And tummy time has also been getting much if only she could turn this back into a roll!

And finally we got to have an extra special last breakfast with Rhymes and Prentice before they moved back down south.  We'll miss having you guys close by!

1 comment:

  1. I love the flying photo and the one of Samantha tipping over in her chair. She's so much bigger even though I just saw her!
