Friday, May 10, 2013

Visit From the Aunties

Some of my dearest college friends came to visit this past weekend.  I like to think they wanted to see me and Andrew, but really Samantha steals the show these days.  And she was very ready to meet her aunties!  What a treat to also get to spend my birthday weekend with Nicole, Lauren, and Vasanta!

Samantha wore her frilly shirt for my birthday!

Auntie Nicole reads good bedtime stories.

On Friday we did some outlet shopping.  Samantha slept through most of it and her stroller served as extra racks in the try-on room.
Snuggles with Auntie Lauren
On Saturday Auntie Vasanta came down from the city, and we got all nostalgic in Princeton.
We also got our nails done! First pedicure since the nugget was born.

Walking around campus is tiring.
Front yard laying on the beautiful Saturday...

Monkey Butt!
Samantha says, "Baby Boy Frye, come meet me soon!"
Love these girls!

Lauren stayed for all of Sunday, and she was kind enough to help me pick out some house stuff.  One thing we bought was this basket.  Andrew decided he wanted to see how Samantha fit in there. She is less than amused.

Thank you so much for visiting- we all loved it!  And to all the other Princeton aunties-you were dearly missed!

1 comment:

  1. What a great weekend. Bonnie, you are an amazing hostess, especially for someone with a four month old. Andrew, thanks for putting up with us being there for so long! You're a wonderful husband. :)
