Wednesday, May 1, 2013


A babywearing expert came to our Bright Beginnings class last week (she was great- see more about her and her company here-, and I was really surprised by all the baby-wearing options.  Who knew?  Certainly not me.  It's like this sub-culture that I barely knew existed.  Anyways, after she showed me how to use my moby correctly, I was ready to start wearing Samantha again, and we have been loving it.  And what shocked me is just how many strangers will smile at you and talk to you when you're wearing a baby- so fun.  Here's the nugget in the moby...
 Around the house...
 Wegmans...very tiring...

1 comment:

  1. You look like a pro! And Samantha looks so happy too. I may need you to give me a demonstration. :)
