Thursday, September 19, 2013

Family room hanging

So even though many of the pictures on the blog show us out and about, the vast majority of our time with Samantha takes place in our family room. We love the soft carpet in there, and somehow most of Samantha's toys have migrated down to the family room basket.  Here's a few snapshots of us hanging around in the family room. (Side note- although we are not loving the hints that winter is on it's way, we are liking that Samantha gets to try out her new stylish fall wardrobe :) )

Hanging in our pajamas- pretty much happens from 5:30 AM when S usually gets up til 7:45 AM when she needs to take her first nap.
Finally a pic where you can see her little teeth!
She loves pulling herself up with our help these days.  We just put our hands out, and she grabs them and stands up!

What is Daddy doing?
Just snuggling on the couch and watching some cartoons with Daddy!


  1. yay! another blog post! so cute, and aww... looking so grown up with the standing.

  2. Your kid is stinkin' cute. That is all.

  3. Such sweet smiles these days!!! Gorgeous.
