Saturday, September 7, 2013

8 months!

Samantha turned 8 months this past Wednesday.  Since she was one month early, she has now officially been in the outside world just as long as she was inside me!  Hard to believe she's 2/3 of a year old and sooo much longer than her bear now (and those 6 month pants look like capris!)
She is an expert roller, and she can figure out how to roll to get anything she wants these days.  She goes back and forth and back and forth.  She desperately wants to go forward and not just side to side, and she's showing signs of wanting to crawl- getting up on her knees for a little- but no real forward movement yet!
Samantha is such a smiley girl these days- smiling when we walk into the room, smiling when she eats something she likes, smiling when we peek out from somewhere, smiling when we get her from her nap- we love it!
Samantha is also an expert sitter.  I can plop her down anywhere without any fear that she will topple over.  She can grab anything that is behind her or to the side or in the front, often leaning over and pulling herself back up.
She plays with everything these days!  She loves her stacking cups, her piano, books, exersaucer, jumperoo, balls, etc.  But she also loves computers, bags, bowls- basically anything that she can stick into her mouth or lick!  I guess it makes sense because just two days before her eight month birthday, we felt her first tooth starting to pop through!
Sticker in the mouth is par for the course these days.  Seriously everything is in the mouth!  Luckily that means some food has also been going into her mouth, and she is getting really good at feeding herself.  She basically eats anything we put on her tray, and lately she's really been liking veggie burgers, chicken, sweet potatoes, pasta, and broccoli.  And when she's really excited to eat something she makes this "ahhhh" noise as she's putting it in her mouth- sooo fun to watch and we're so glad we did baby led weaning!
Chomp!!!  She has also started babbling a ton.  Lots of "b" and "d" sounds and some "m" and "g" sounds.  Love it!  Too bad she's too busy eating the sticker to babble in this pic.

Happy 8 months, little girl!

And to compare...


  1. Happy belated 8months little friend! Can't believe how tall she is and what a winning smile!

  2. So big now! Crazy pants!
