Friday, September 20, 2013


Last weekend Andrew Matthews came to visit.  Clearly Samantha has now taken to her Uncle Andrew- who has been around a bunch of times before- see here and here and here. 
After church, some Andrew vs. Andrew tennis, and delicious dumpling lunch, we decided to take Samantha to the park. She was immediately skeptical of the swing.
I have seen loads of pictures of Samantha's little friends enjoying these bucket swings so I thought we would try.  Um this is what we got...

I told my parents about the swing experience and apparently it's genetic.  I also have the gene that made me as a baby not hold on to swings and instead flop forward.  
We'll see if swinging changes, but until then S will study shadows while swinging.
And her parents will make fun of her!
AJ snapped a family pic of us before he headed back into NYC.  Too bad S was still so scarred from her swing riding experience that she wouldn't smile for the camera.


  1. Oh my gosh, so much stuff in this post. I love the matching AJ/Samantha shirts. I'm also loving S's skinny jeans. Her legs are crazy long in the swing and her skeptical face really looks like Andrew!

    <3 Tiff

  2. Such a sweet Andrew and Samantha photo!! Looks like fun!

  3. Literally laughed out loud at those swing photos. And omg skinny jeans! Amazing!
