Saturday, September 21, 2013

September visit to Long Island

Samantha and I visited Long Island earlier this week.  One of the privileges of not teaching this year is that I can travel during the week - sad to leave Daddy behind, but it certainly makes it a bit easier to get to and from Long Island.

Right after we got there, we decided to visit Granddad at his office. He was eager to show Samantha the printing presses.  She was mesmerized! I'm pretty sure the exact same thing was done to me when I was little!
Then when Granddad got home from work, he showed Samantha a new game- dropping golf balls into metal bowls.  They made some nice ringing noises together.
Then this happened...typical.
The next day when both her grandparents were at work, we had a playdate with Piper.  Can't believe how much she's grown since we last saw her in June.  
In fact, Piper and Samantha are almost the same weight now, and Piper is doing so well sitting!  Can't believe neither of them were sitting last time we saw each other.

Attack of Samantha!

Oh look they made up!  Good thing- because Em and I wanted to chat while they played.
Then we spent some time over at my Grammy and Pop-Pop's house.  Here is Samantha hanging with her Nana.
And showing her Great Pop-Pop how to use the remote control- she is an expert at changing the channels these days!
Just hanging on the couch!
And showing her Great-Grammy all her toys!

Love this one!

And of course when my Dad got there, he immediately grabbed his granddaughter!
Then just before we left, we made a quick guest appearance at the ladies lunch.  Three generations of ladies!


  1. This makes me miss your folks!! How fun! Glad you're getting to take advantage of your flexibility to be with them during the week.

  2. These are all sweet, but my favorite is the attack of Samantha. ;)
