Friday, December 20, 2013

Daddy's 30th Birthday

Andrew celebrated his 30th birthday this past week!  30- how did we get to be thirty!! (Well Andrew is 30- I am still 29 for four more months!  
We had some of his dearest Princeton buddies over for the day last weekend.  Ted, Dave, Andrew, and Erik came out from NYC and Philly to celebrate with us!
We had lunch together.
And of course Samantha and Caleb loved their lunch as well!
While the boys went to play sports- Anna and I hung out with the babies.
Caleb smiled for the picture- Samantha crawled away.  Pretty indicative of most of the afternoon.
One pic where S stayed still!
We tried them both in the wagon.  They were less than amused.
Happy Birthday husband!  Cake after tennis and basketball.
And then post cake a little N64 for old times sake.
While they played, Samantha climbed stairs.  Lots of stair climbing these days!
We tried to give Ted a handicap, but a squiggly baby on his lap couldn't bring him down.

S wanted in on the action!
We finished the day with some asian food.  Samantha loved the lo mein and the dumplings.
The whole group (Caleb's hands make it in the very back!)
Then on Tuesday for Andrew's actual birthday we had a cupcake after dinner to celebrate! Samantha is clapping for her Daddy!
Happy 30th, Andrew!

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