Monday, December 9, 2013

11 months old!

How is it possible that our little girl is a month away from being one?  It's hard to imagine at this time last year that we hadn't even met her yet- it feels like we've always known and loved this little one!

Samantha started making a clucking noise with her tongue this month- add that to the raspberries and the tongue wagging- and she makes the funniest little noises!
Our little girl is still smiley most of the time.  She's wearing all 12 month clothes now, as well.
And she loves to giggle- the funniest things crack her up- but most of them involve hiding and popping back out again.  She also sometimes claps when she is happy these days.  
She is CONSTANTLY on the move.  She is an extremely fast crawler now, and she's brave enough to venture into rooms we're not into- definitely keeps us on our toes.
She is interested in everything these days- particularly things she's shouldn't be interested in- favorites include christmas trees (miniature and the real kind), stairs, cabinets, drawers, the fireplace, remote controls, shoes, and inside of the refrigerator. 
And although she's pulled herself up before, until the week before she turned 11 months, we could count the times on one hand it had happened.  Now she pulls herself up on everything!

She also still likes playing with her drumsticks, shaker egg, stacking rings, stacking cups, and she loves when daddy pushes her around on her ride along toy.
Eating is still a favorite thing, although Samantha has certainly started to have some more preferences.  She picks through everything she wants on her tray looking for the food of the day.  Clementines, pasta, and cheese are always a hit.  And most of the time she'll eat almost anything else, although we've had a few picky days.
Perhaps the most exciting thing this month is that, she can respond to commands.  If you ask her to wave or clap, most of the time she complies- she certainly knows what we mean now.  She also will hand you toys if you ask for them, and she definitely knows what you mean if you ask her to come here- although she only comes if she's in the mood.
Only a few weeks til her first birthday!

For comparison:


  1. Wow! 11 months! Where is the time going! Samantha is so stinking cute. Have I ever mentioned that? Ha. I'm kind of a huge fan!

  2. Love all the smiles and her arsenal of "looks"!! Big fan here as well!

  3. Now that M is 11 months it's such fun to look back at S at that age! Both of them climbing all over, though M was less generous w/ the smiles this morning. Makes me wish their bears were the same size so we could compare!
