Sunday, December 8, 2013


With snow still covering everything outside, we spent Thanksgiving snuggled inside.  We played with Samantha and spent time cooking and eating, of course.  And we were reminded just how much we have to be thankful for this year- especially the blessing of our little girl!

Poor tolerant Lanie 

Samantha needed a little snack pre-big Thanksgiving dinner.  Turned out white rice wasn't as neat a snack as mommy originally thought.

But after snack there was more play time.

That silly Granddad!
And Aunt Kerri!

We snuck in some pictures while everyone dressed up, as well.

(Blowing raspberries again when she should be smiling for pictures)
And the delicious dinner- Mom and Dad did the turkey and stuffing, Andrew and I did the brussels sprouts and mashed potato casserole, Kerri the sweet potatoes, and Eric the pumpkin pie. 
Samantha thought it was very yummy!
Enjoying dinner!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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