Saturday, December 14, 2013

Snow Day

On Tuesday about four inches of snow fell in Pennington.  It was the first real snow of the season here, and most programs (and school- although I haven't been paying as much attention to that this year!) were canceled.  Andrew still went to work because the roads weren't too bad, but my bible study was canceled and we figured we shouldn't try to run any errands in the snow.  Thus, Samantha and I had a snow day.  I try not to stay at home all day any day because S seems to nap much better after we've been out for the morning (and I'm much happier getting my daily dose of people).  But it was nice to be snuggly warm inside for a super snowy day.  And since I don't normally take pictures of our average day inside, I thought I'd record our snow day.

We had the quiche I had made for bible study for breakfast.  Delicious!  
 We took some selfie pics with mommy's iphone (always of great interest to S).
We looked out the window at the snow (and played with the blind cords!)
 We looked out the front window- pretty snow!
 Then we headed upstairs and read some books- right now Feely Bugs is her favorite!
 And I picked out a few to read that were perfect for the day (although we only got through the finger puppet one before she crawled away!)
 After books, Samantha took every toy out of her toy bin.

 And after a nap it was time for lunch- leftover chicken and wild rice.  And then for the first time I gave her my apple on the core to bite.  It seems that having her four teeth on top all the way in make her a budding biter! She definitely got a good bit off of it.
 After lunch we decided to go out in the snow to play.
It was beautiful...
But Samantha was not really amused...

 We decided to stay in our pajamas all day- and after a rather short nap- we did what we do most every later afternoon...

We crawled around and under the dining room table...

 We played some drums...

Helped mommy with some laundry...

And worked on our new favorite skills- stair climbing, pulling up, and starting to cruise along the couch a little bit.

Happy snow day #1!

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