Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Philadelphia Zoo with Aunt Kerri

We were lucky enough to get a visit from Aunt Kerri this July, and we decided to celebrate her being here we should go to the Philly Zoo.  Kerri is the authority on all things animal in our house so we thought it was only appropriate to have her chaperone Samantha's first zoo trip.

It was so fun to show S the animals that she had only ever seen on pages of a book or in her puzzles and magnets.

Starting her early on her love for tigers.

Samantha really liked the aviary with all sorts of birds flying around her.  She saw birds we didn't even see. Just waving hi to the bird.
Teaching Samantha about the tortoises.

Aunt Kerri took Samantha into the petting zoo.  
And after saying hello to lots of the animals, Kerri got her to pet the goat.  
Love seeing my sis with my daughter.