Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Nana, Granddad and Aunt Kerri's weekend in NJ

When Kerri flew in from Indiana, my parents decided to come down as well.  It's not too often that she's on the East Coast!

We stayed busy right near the house all weekend, and it was really nice to have the whole Citterbart family here (although we missed Eric!) 
Samantha and Aunt Kerri

My three favorite ladies
Reading stories with Granddad is always fun!

And some happy half birthday presents for S.
A new harder puzzle

And another puzzle from my childhood

"La, la"
And her beloved truck

She loves her daddy!
Happy Birthday to Granddad!
And on Sunday...playing with Aunt Kerri (and wearing my necklace)
Domino knocking
Some yard work 

And meanwhile a visit to the playground

And some fun with the water table

Fun with Tyler and Kevin, and Nana and Kerri

And thanks to Tyler- a great family photo!

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