Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sports Day Summer 2014 Edition

The Sports Day tradition continued this summer with Dave and Cat and Ted and Christine making their ways out of the city to enjoy some NJ sunshine, sports, and food.  We had a much nicer day than last summer, and everyone was able to play tennis and golf.  This year we topped the day off with a delicious steak dinner and Scattegories.  Always good to have everyone down to visit!

The tennis champions- Andrew and Cat!
And while everyone else played tennis- Samantha worked on her ball placing skills.

After a delicious lunch and some puzzles with Uncle Ted, the gang headed out to pitch and putt (Samantha and I had nap time instead).

Samantha got up from her nap just as golf was ending.  And we were all happy to lounge on our deck on that beautiful summer evening and watch S run around the backyard while Andrew grilled.  Let me tell you- our deck and patio have been fantastic this summer- perfect weather for outside eating!
I was instructed to hug the tree because that's what I do these days- get bossed around by an 18 month old.
Just lounging with her buddy Tyler.
Sweet picture with Christine
Group picture (courtesy of Tyler- our 7 year old neighbor and apparently photographer extraordinaire) 
Enjoying dinner.
And someone enjoying some ice cream afterward :)
What a perfect summer day!

1 comment:

  1. Samantha grilled? Wow she's growing up quickly!
    I love the Tennis Ball and tree hugging photos!
