Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sports Day- the family edition

Ever since Andrew moved out of NYC five years ago, his roommates from New York have been visiting us out in suburbia.  The men quickly decided that the best use of being out of the city all together was to eat and play sports all day long- hence sports days.  Five years later we are still hosting sports days (and loving it!) but now we've added the women and a child and changed up the sports a little bit!  Not the all out exhaustion fest of years past but still fun!  Dave, Cat, Ted, and Christine- it was wonderful to have you!  Come again soon :)

Andrew was the grill master- delicious lunch with home grown basil!
Samantha charming everyone as always!
We played some pitch and putt golf!
Well they all played...
I walked around the course with a sleeping baby in the ergo. First "round of golf" in the book for Samantha!
After lunch was a visit to halo farms-ice cream so cheap and delicious, we each picked out a pint!
And then last but not!  Wouldn't be sports day without tennis.  Samantha and I called it a day, but the other five enjoyed Mercer County's indoor courts when the rain storm rolled in.

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