Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Bergsiekers Visit

The second weekend in August, we had a visit from the Bergsiekers.  They came all the way from Canada to catch up with all their old friends, and we were lucky enough to have them stay with us.  The Bergsiekers were in our Princeton small group for three years before they moved to Waterloo two years ago, and after sharing so much of life with them for those years, it was wonderful to catch up again.  And we loved getting to see how their boys have grown.

Samantha and Sam are only eight months apart (Sam is older), and they enjoyed getting to know each other.
S showing Sam and Phil her wagon.
Hilary reading to all the kids.
We are so impressed by Phil- he's only four and can read and spell like an eight year old!

On Sunday night we had a bunch of old small group friends over for dinner so everyone could spend time with the Bergsiekers.  Amazing that when we started out small group, none of us had kids. 

Samantha shows Sam and Sophia her alphabet books.
JD- he just turned one!  So fun to watch him starting to walk.
Sweet picture!
Playing with rocks!
Just working on the car.

Love this little kids table. They were all so good about eating together.  Seriously- there was like fifteen mins of them all sitting and eating and the adults chatting.  Amazing.
The best we could do of the whole group!  The Bergsiekers, Keddies, Lieus, and Weisses.

Friday, August 22, 2014


I spent the first seven weeks of this summer teaching again at a Princeton program called PUPP. PUPP is a program for high achieving low income students, and the most important part of the program is the summer institute. (Here's an article giving more information about PUPP.)  I taught sociology, just as I did last summer to the rising juniors.  My co-teacher and I taught about inequality through the lenses of gender, race, and income, and we also worked on the students' writing skills.  The capstone of the class was a 5-8 page research paper exploring a certain type of inequality, and then a poster presentation of their research.  

Here's samples from two of our best students.

Just like last summer, it was a wonderful experience to teach these eager and intelligent young minds.  And we had great support from our two college TA's, Danielle and Max. I feel very privileged to still get to remember why I love teaching!
And the rising seniors...the awesome group of kids I taught last year.
And while I was at PUPP all summer, Samantha was hanging out with Alyx.  It was so wonderful to have one of my former students nannying for her.  I knew she was in good hands, and I got to catch up with Alyx.  
Thanks, Alyx.  We miss you!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

19 months!

Samantha is now nineteen months old and quite the little communicator.  The biggest change in the last month has been the addition of more language.
Here's a list of what she now says (and as many of you know I won't count it unless it's really a legit word): Mama, Dada, Hi, Hello, Buh-bye, uh-oh, woah, Yes, No, Lala (that's llama as in llama llama read pajama and Lanie), Ball, Bird, Book, Ba for Banana, BaBa for belly button, Elbow (I know, random body part, right?), Eye, Eyebrow, Nose, Toe, Back, Backpack, Doggie, Ducky, Meow for Cat, Moo for Cow, Ba for sheep, Cock a doo a loo for Rooster, Bear, Sit, Out, Baby, Shoe, "Sh" for Fish, Up, Choo-Choo (she is obsessed with the train that goes around Wegmans), You, and Elmo.
Don't let this pic fool you- she's still rarely eating vegetables.  But she has started to try and help in the kitchen.  She gets excited to help me put the corn shucks in the garbage, stirs things, and likes to transfer items between bowls or cups.
She's also really been working on her utensils and now feeds herself yogurt completely on her own (can you say a mess?!!!)
Samantha is now a pro at walking up and down stairs on her feet, holding the railing.  We still don't let her do it without being right there inside (we have one of the steepest flights of stairs in our house), but outside she goes up and down both sides of the upper patio without us standing right there.
She still loves puzzles and now can do her whole alphabet puzzle, as well as some other puzzles that involve putting several pieces into one big shape.
Samantha has also started to basically run this month. She pumps her arms and is moving her legs a lot faster!
Um, I love this face.  This is her "OHHHH" I'm excited face.
She still bosses us around.  Even with only 35ish words, she can basically get every point across.
We're also still reading a lot.  Favorite books this month are anything involving Ducks, the Little Engine that Could (thanks Auntie Vasanta), Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea, Bear Snores On, I Want My Hat Back, and still Llama Llama.
Music is still Samantha's favorite.  If you put on her favorite Sesame Street music videos (Check out Usher's ABCs and Jason Mraz's Outdoors), she will smile and dance.  And then sign for more to watch them again.
We're still loving music class.  And now Samantha follows directions so well there.  She knows when to pat her legs in a song and when to get up and spin.  She sometimes sings la la and ba ba, when I'm singing, and she is great at beating the sticks and shaker eggs right to the music.
She is also getting a little braver in the pool.  She's okay now walking around the whole baby pool if she's holding one of our hands. 
Love those smiling eyes! Oh and one more new thing this month- when we pray before dinner or before bed, Samantha folds her hands to pray with you. Melts my heart every time.

Samantha, we are so blessed by you!

Saturday in NYC

The first weekend in August the whole family headed into New York City for a little day with some old friends. I met up with the CSH girls for brunch while Andrew and Andrew Matthews had dim sum.  While we couldn't stay too long because of Samantha's schedule, it was good for her to see her "Aunties" and "Uncle."

At brunch. Me and my girl.  She only ate toast dipped in ketchup- but whatever it takes to keep her busy while we chatted.
After brunch we took Samantha to a playground in Central Park and met up with Andrew x2. We missed you, Ems- BFF is not the same with you there!
This little girl is the opposite of still
But she had lots of friends with her aunties on the playground.
Also what a strange August day- we were in long sleeves and pants!  Didn't feel like NY/NJ at all!
And one of our wriggly worm with the boys!
Hope to be back in NYC again soon!

Summer weddings

We've had the pleasure of attending not one but two weddings of my former colleagues from Montgomery this summer.  Both were in Central Jersey, so it was nice to leave Samantha with a babysitter for both nights. 

In the middle of July we went to Dana Newbury and Rob Bucci's wedding. Lots of Montgomery teachers were there, and it was fun to catch up with all of them.

The new Mrs. Bucci!
The beautiful bridesmaids!
Me and Monica!
With the handsome husband :)

And then on August 1st, we went to Katie Selby and Anthony Tessein's wedding.  Some torrential rain in the afternoon, led to a beautiful evening. Lots of good food and some great dancing made for a fantastic celebration!

With the new Mrs. Tessein.
Bonnie, Morgan, Dana and Hope - miss seeing these ladies at Montgomery!
First dance
With the newly marrried couple
With the husband :)