Sunday, August 10, 2014

FGR 4.0

The last weekend in July, I headed to North Carolina for FGR 4.0- our fourth installment of a reunion of a bunch of my Princeton girlfriends.  We've been doing this every other summer since graduation, and it is just the best tradition.  We all gather some place in the country for a long weekend, and simply lounge and chat and eat and chat some more.  There's nothing like being back with old friends.  We had seven out of the eleven girls there this summer, and our other four members were dearly missed.  This year a few of the youngest Princeton cubs joined us making the weekend even more hanging around oriented.  And Lauren's family lake house on Badin Lake in North Carolina was the perfect place for that. Tiff and I decided that FGR was no place for our crazy toddler girls, so I was child free for the weekend, and while I wished Samantha could have said hello to her aunties and her little "cousins," not having to chat and play with her at the same time was so nice!  Here's some pics from one of the most relaxing weekends on record!

Matthew says welcome to the Lake!  Tiff and I drove in from DC on Friday morning, and the crew of girls spent the day catching up and eating :)
Ayla and Matthew
Matthew and Auntie Vasanta (theme of the weekend- Vasanta is awesome with babies!)
Catching up over the ipad- note Tiff's multitasking!
Me and Vasanta
Lauren's berry cobbler- yum!
After a nice little run the next morning, we spent some time on the deck. Travis liked the swing.
And so did Matthew and Lauren and Ayla and Vasanta
Or maybe not- Ayla is now unsure if Matthew can sit on the swing.  Haha.  Love Laura and Lauren's faces.
Seriously Vasanta is the baby whisperer
Tiff and Travis
Swimming in the lake- it was so warm and wonderful!
Tiff and Kim
Lauren driving us around the lake.  So fun to go tubing!

Me, Kim, and Travis. I promise I did hold the babies at some points during the weekend, but mostly I tried to enjoy my baby free status.
Sweet momma and son reading moment.
See- I'm holding Matthew!
Guac and margaritas! Delish!

Love this little one!
All three babies awake at one time.  Ayla (6 1/2 months), Matthew (10 months), Travis (2 1/2 months).
And then after the kids went so sleep some wine and lots more chatting happened.  Still wearing my bathing suit- yep it was a really chill day.
Bright and early the next morning making breakfast in the wonderful kitchen!
Beautiful Badin Lake from the deck.
Love still water in the morning!

One big group shot!
And I luckily still had a drive back with this smiley one and his wonderful mom.
Love you girls!  You are all such a blessing in my life!  Here's to many decades of FGRS!

1 comment:

  1. Muah! So glad you came and got to relax without Samantha. :) Glad you took the nice shots of the lake, too!
