Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Saturday in NYC

The first weekend in August the whole family headed into New York City for a little day with some old friends. I met up with the CSH girls for brunch while Andrew and Andrew Matthews had dim sum.  While we couldn't stay too long because of Samantha's schedule, it was good for her to see her "Aunties" and "Uncle."

At brunch. Me and my girl.  She only ate toast dipped in ketchup- but whatever it takes to keep her busy while we chatted.
After brunch we took Samantha to a playground in Central Park and met up with Andrew x2. We missed you, Ems- BFF is not the same with you there!
This little girl is the opposite of still
But she had lots of friends with her aunties on the playground.
Also what a strange August day- we were in long sleeves and pants!  Didn't feel like NY/NJ at all!
And one of our wriggly worm with the boys!
Hope to be back in NYC again soon!

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